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We are proud to promote and support the Conductive Education training across the UK. We know how powerful Conductive Education is and the difference it can make to childrens and families lives. 

There are two Conductive Education training options- 

Multidisciplinary Conductor Course - NICE Conductive College, Birmingham

BA Hons Conductive Education - Birmingham City University

Training can be carried our remotely and we welcome placements at our Conductive Education Centre in Nottingham.

Please get in touch with one of our team if you're interested in finding out more.

We also continually support our talented team to grow and develop, and just some of the training our team has been involved in this year include -

If you’re interested in Conductive Education training, additional courses we can offer, including motivation speaking and early years, please get in touch.

"I was fortunate to get the opportunity to come and see a session at Footprints and knew within the first few minutes I knew I had a heart for CE. I gained a place on the Multidisciplinary Conductor course and I've thoroughly enjoyed the journey so far, working with so many fantastic children! I am very excited to say I am now a qualified conductor."

Becky, newly qualified Conductor

"Footprints have recently supported me to undertake Chartered Institute of Marketing training courses at Nottingham Trent University, providing a unique opportunity to apply the theoretical knowledge to our charity and our communications plans."  

Claire, Head of Communications
Young boy smiling and laying down on his back.

Our Mission Statement

Our mission is to provide Conductive Education and other services to help children with mobility and communication problems develop the skills to thrive and achieve their potential. We're committed to creating a safe, positive, supportive and fun environment where parents receive practical assistance, information and training to help them support their children in their own homes.